Proposed Belfast transport hub :: Shared Description

The following is a part quotation from a Department for Regional Development press release issued on 1 July 2014: “Kennedy appoints design team for development of Belfast Transport Hub . . . . The new design team and architects who comprise of Arup, Lead Architect Hiro Aso and John McAslan and Partners have an extensive portfolio in the development and delivery of modern and highly efficient transports infrastructure facilities including Kings Cross Station in London. . . . . The Hub is set to be located on the 20 acre site of the existing Europa Buscentre and Great Victoria Street Train Station. Already around 7 million passengers use these facilities each year and as more people choose to use the bus and train this is estimated to increase to around 13 million passengers by 2030. . . . . The Department in partnership with Translink and the Strategic Investment Board has been working to develop the feasibility of the new Transport Hub and the appointment of the design team takes the project to the next phase”.
Demolition of the former Grosvenor Road railway goods sheds started during March 2016.
The following is a part quotation from a Translink press release issued on 1 November 2016 announcing a public consultation for the proposed combined bus and railway stations “Public Consultation - deadline for feedback: Friday 2 December 2016 Translink wants to be Your First Choice for Travel in Northern Ireland and deliver a public transport service that we can all be proud of. That's why we're committed to delivering the Belfast Hub; a world class multi-modal transport interchange acting as a high quality gateway for Belfast and beyond.”

The project received the following planning permission (29 March 2019) “LA04/2017/1388/F New integrated public transport interchange comprising; station concourse, 26 bus stands, 8 railway platforms, bus maintenance and parking, track and signalling enhancements, bus access bridge, cycle and taxi provision, car parking, new public square, public realm improvements, highway improvements, infrastructure improvements, temporary structures for bus operations during construction and temporary site construction compounds. Lands: To The East Of The Westlink (A12); South Of (Nos.127-9) And Including Grosvenor Road; At Intersection Of Grosvenor Road And Stanley Street; At The Intersection Of Durham Street And Grosvenor Road; At The Intersection Of Fisherwick Place And Howard Street; At Great Victoria Street (between Nos. 1-3 To 27-45); At Glengall Street (between Nos. 3-21); At The Junction Of Hope Street, Bruce Street And Great Victoria Street; At The Junction Of Durham Street, Linfield Road, Sandy Row And Hope Street; At Sandy Row From 2 Hurst Park To 85-87 Sandy Row, Gilpins Site; To North Of Former Whitehall Tobacco Works At Linfield Road, Weavers Court Business Park/ Linfield Industrial Estate, Blythefield Primary School And Charter Youth Club; At Weavers Court Business Park And Railway Track Lands Surrounding Arellian Nursery And Bounded By Utility Street/Bentham Drive/Egmot Gardens/ Felt Street (to North); Prince Andrew Park And Abingdon Drive (to South); Beit Street, Roosevelt Rise,Roosevelt Square”. This is understood to include removal of the Boyne Bridge.

I have no connection with the project. I cannot enter into correspondence.
by Albert Bridge
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58 images use this description. Preview sample shown below:

J3373 : Former railway goods sheds (demolition), Belfast - March 2016(2) by Albert Bridge
J3373 : The Europa Buscentre, Belfast (August 2019) by Albert Bridge
J3373 : Gt Victoria Street bus depot, Belfast by Albert Bridge
J3373 : Railway and bus stations entrance, Gt Victoria Street, Belfast (October 2016) by Albert Bridge
J3373 : Gt Victoria Street bus depot, Belfast (2013-2) by Albert Bridge
J3373 : The Europa Buscentre, Belfast by Albert Bridge
J3373 : Former railway goods sheds, Belfast - April 2016(2) by Albert Bridge
J3373 : Former railway goods sheds (demolition), Belfast - March 2016(4) by Albert Bridge
J3373 : The Boyne Bridge, Belfast - August 2019(1) by Albert Bridge
J3373 : Former railway goods sheds (demolition), Belfast - March 2016(7) by Albert Bridge
J3373 : Train, Gt Victoria Street station, Belfast (July 2014) by Albert Bridge
J3373 : Bus Eireann Dublin Express, Belfast - March 2016(2) by Albert Bridge
J3373 : Great Victoria Street bus depot, Belfast (2) by Albert Bridge
J3373 : Former railway goods sheds (demolition), Belfast - April 2016(1) by Albert Bridge
J3373 : Warehouses, Belfast by Albert Bridge
J3373 : Former railway goods sheds (demolition), Belfast - March 2016(8) by Albert Bridge
J3373 : Gt Victoria Street bus depot, Belfast (2013-1) by Albert Bridge
J3373 : Former Grosvenor Road railway goods yard, Belfast - May 2016(1) by Albert Bridge
J3373 : Former railway goods sheds (demolition), Belfast - March 2016(6) by Albert Bridge
J3373 : Former railway goods sheds (demolition), Belfast - April 2016(2) by Albert Bridge
J3373 : Buses, Glengall Street, Belfast (4) by Albert Bridge
J3373 : Gt Victoria Street station, Belfast (August 2019) by Albert Bridge
J3373 : The Boyne Bridge, Belfast (November 2016) by Albert Bridge
J3373 : The "Enterprise" approaching City Hospital station, Belfast (July 2014) by Albert Bridge
J3373 : Gt Victoria Street bus depot, Belfast (August 2016) by Albert Bridge

... and 33 more images.

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Created: Sun, 25 Aug 2013, Updated: Sun, 18 Aug 2019

The 'Shared Description' text on this page is Copyright 2013 Albert Bridge, however it is specifically licensed so that contributors can reuse it on their own images without restriction.

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