Weekly Leaderboard :: First Geograph Points

Here is a list of contributors in the past 7 days, ordered by number of 'First Geograph' points awarded (see FAQ for details). The "pending" column gives some idea of how much each person will climb when their pictures are moderated!

Last generated at 22:06 and covers all submissions since Thursday, 06 Feb at 22:06

PositionContributorFirst Geograph
1stN Chadwick 0 (49 pending)
"   Michael Garlick 0 (20 pending)
"   Bernard Sharp 0 (19 pending)
"   Richard Webb 0 (19 pending)
"   Sandy Gerrard 0 (14 pending)
"   habiloid 0 (14 pending)
"   Steven Brown 0 (11 pending)
"   Fabian Musto 0 (11 pending)
"   Iain Lees 0 (11 pending)
"   Ian Capper 0 (10 pending)
"   Jeremy Bolwell 0 (10 pending)
"   David Smith 0 (9 pending)
"   Roger Templeman 0 (7 pending)
"   Bill Nicholls 0 (6 pending)
"   Robin Webster 0 (5 pending)
"   Rab McMurdo 0 (5 pending)
"   Alan Hughes 0 (5 pending)
"   Roger D Kidd 0 (4 pending)
"   Mat Fascione 0 (4 pending)
"   Chris Heaton 0 (4 pending)
"   Graham Hogg 0 (4 pending)
"   Bill Boaden 0 (4 pending)
"   Billy McCrorie 0 (4 pending)
"   steven ruffles 0 (3 pending)
"   Jaggery 0 (3 pending)
"   David Lally 0 (2 pending)
"   M J Richardson 0 (2 pending)
"   Peter Trimming 0 (2 pending)
"   David Howard 0 (2 pending)
"   Jim Barton 0 (2 pending)
"   M J Roscoe 0 (2 pending)
"   Derek Harper 0 (2 pending)
"   Robin Stott 0 (1 pending)
"   Martin Jeffries 0 (1 pending)
"   John Sutton 0 (1 pending)
"   Trevor Littlewood 0 (1 pending)
"   P L Chadwick 0 (1 pending)
"   Walter Baxter 0 (1 pending)
"   Natasha Ceridwen de Chroustchoff 0 (1 pending)
 Totals0(276 pending)

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