The Titanic Walkway, Belfast - March 2018(2)When: 28 March, 2018By: Albert Bridge
"Samson" (lifting) and snow, Belfast (February 2018)When: 9 February, 2018By: Albert Bridge
Ho-Ho bus, Titanic Quarter, Belfast (July 2017)When: 24 July, 2017By: Albert Bridge
Former Harland & Wolff offices, Belfast - June 2017(4)When: 27 June, 2017By: Albert Bridge
Former Harland & Wolff offices, Belfast - June 2017(
2)When: 2 June, 2017By: Albert Bridge
Former Harland & Wolff offices, Belfast -
April 2017(2)When: 8 April, 2017By: Albert Bridge
Former Harland & Wolff offices, Belfast - April 2017(
1)When: 8 April, 2017
By: Albert Bridge
Former Harland & Wolff offices, Belfast -
January 2017(4)When: 21 January, 2017By: Albert Bridge
Former Harland & Wolff offices, Belfast -
October 2016(1)When: 5 October, 2016By: Albert Bridge
View into the Harland and Wolff yard from the south, Queen's Island, BelfastWhen: 3 December, 2015By: Christopher Hilton
The "MPI Adventure", Belfast harbour (August 2014)When: 7 August, 2014By: Albert Bridge
'Blackford Dolphin' at BelfastWhen: 16 December, 2013By: Rossographer
The 'Blackford Dolphin' at Belfast
When: 16 December, 2013
By: Rossographer
"Blackford Dolphin", Harland & Wolff, Belfast (2)When: 3 December, 2013By: Albert Bridge
itanic Belfast - 4th Floor - Downward Interior View When: 23 September, 2013By: Joseph Mischyshyn
Titanic Belfast
- 4th Floor - Gallery 2 - The Arrol Gantry & Shipyard RideWhen: 23 September, 2013
By: Joseph Mischyshyn
he SS "Nomadic", Belfast (2013-1)When: 5 April, 2013By: Albert Bridge
"Titanic Studios", BelfastWhen: 28 October, 2012By: Rossographer
The Titanic Signature Project, Belfast (68)When: 20 November, 2011By: Albert Bridge
The Titanic Signature Project, Belfast (6
7)When: 20 November, 2011
By: Albert Bridge
The Titanic Signature Project, Belfast (6
6)When: 20 November, 2011
By: Albert Bridge
The Titanic Signature Project, Belfast (6
5)When: 3 August, 2011By: Albert Bridge
The Titanic Sig
anture Project, Belfast (64)When: 13 July, 2011By: Albert Bridge
The Titanic Signature Project, Belfast (62)When: 23 May, 2011By: Albert Bridge
The Titanic Signature Project, Belfast (6
1)When: 11 May, 2011By: Albert Bridge
The Titanic Signature Project, Belfast (6
0)When: 4 May, 2011By: Albert Bridge
Hamilton Dock, Belfast (6)When: 26 April, 2011By: Albert Bridge
new Belfast Metropolitan College (3)When: 26 April, 2011
By: Albert Bridge
Titanic Signature Project, Belfast (59)When: 26 April, 2011
By: Albert Bridge
The Titanic Signature Project, Belfast (5
8)When: 26 April, 2011
By: Albert Bridge
The Titanic Signature Project, Belfast (5
7)When: 15 April, 2011By: Albert Bridge
The Titanic Signature Project, Belfast (5
6)When: 15 April, 2011
By: Albert Bridge
The Titanic Signature Project, Belfast (5
5)When: 10 April, 2011By: Albert Bridge
The Titanic Signature Project, Belfast (5
4)When: 10 April, 2011
By: Albert Bridge
The Titanic Signature Project, Belfast (5
3)When: 3 April, 2011By: Albert Bridge
The Titanic Signature Project, Belfast (5
2)When: 3 April, 2011
By: Albert Bridge
The Titanic Signature Project, Belfast (5
1)When: 26 March, 2011By: Albert Bridge
Hamilton Dock, Belfast (5)When: 18 March, 2011By: Albert Bridge
Titanic Signature Project, Belfast (50)When: 18 March, 2011
By: Albert Bridge
The Titanic Signature Project, Belfast (
49)When: 18 March, 2011
By: Albert Bridge
The Titanic Signature Project, Belfast (4
8)When: 12 March, 2011By: Albert Bridge
The Titanic Signature Project, Belfast (4
7)When: 12 March, 2011
By: Albert Bridge
The Titanic Signature Project, Belfast (4
5)When: 6 March, 2011By: Albert Bridge
"Goliath" lifting, Belfast (2)When: 24 February, 2011By: Albert Bridge
The Hamilton Dock, Belfast (4)When: 24 February, 2011
By: Albert Bridge
Titanic Signature Project, Belfast (44)When: 24 February, 2011
By: Albert Bridge
The Titanic Signature Project, Belfast (4
3)When: 24 February, 2011
By: Albert Bridge
The Titanic Signature Project, Belfast (4
2)When: 19 February, 2011By: Albert Bridge
The Titanic Signature Project, Belfast (4
1)When: 19 February, 2011
By: Albert Bridge
The Titanic Signature Project, Belfast (4
0)When: 19 February, 2011
By: Albert Bridge
The Titanic Signature Project, Belfast (
39)When: 12 February, 2011By: Albert Bridge
The Titanic Signature Project, Belfast (3
8)When: 12 February, 2011
By: Albert Bridge
The Titanic Signature Project, Belfast (3
7)When: 3 February, 2011By: Albert Bridge
The Titanic Signature Project, Belfast (3
6)When: 3 February, 2011
By: Albert Bridge
new Belfast Metropolitan College (2)When: 29 January, 2011By: Albert Bridge
Old shipyard railway, Belfast (5)When: 29 January, 2011
By: Albert Bridge
Old shipyard railway, Belfast (
4)When: 29 January, 2011
By: Albert Bridge
The Titanic Signature Project, Belfast (35)When: 29 January, 2011
By: Albert Bridge
The Titanic Signature Project, Belfast (3
4)When: 29 January, 2011
By: Albert Bridge
The Titanic Signature Project, Belfast (3
3)When: 29 January, 2011
By: Albert Bridge
Old shipyard railway, Belfast (3)When: 19 January, 2011By: Albert Bridge
The Titanic Signature Project, Belfast (32)When: 19 January, 2011
By: Albert Bridge
The Titanic Signature Project, Belfast (3
1)When: 19 January, 2011
By: Albert Bridge
The Titanic Signature Project, Belfast (3
0)When: 19 January, 2011
By: Albert Bridge
The Titanic Signature Project, Belfast (
29)When: 8 January, 2011By: Albert Bridge
Old shipyard railway, BelfastWhen: 8 January, 2011
By: Albert Bridge
The Titanic Signature Project, Belfast (28)When: 6 January, 2011By: Albert Bridge
The Titanic Signature Project, Belfast (2
7)When: 6 January, 2011
By: Albert Bridge
The Titanic Signature Project, Belfast (2
6)When: 6 January, 2011
By: Albert Bridge
Cushnahan Quay, Belfast (6)When: 22 December, 2010By: Albert Bridge
Titanic Signature Project, Belfast (25)When: 22 December, 2010
By: Albert Bridge
The Titanic Signature Project, Belfast (2
4)When: 22 December, 2010
By: Albert Bridge
The Titanic Signature Project, Belfast (2
3)When: 22 December, 2010
By: Albert Bridge
The Titanic Signature Project, Belfast (2
2)When: 9 December, 2010By: Albert Bridge
The Titanic Signature Project, Belfast (2
1)When: 9 December, 2010
By: Albert Bridge
The Titanic Signature Project, Belfast (2
0)When: 9 December, 2010
By: Albert Bridge
Former Harland & Wolff headquarters building, Belfast (1)When: 9 December, 2010
By: Albert Bridge
The Titanic Signature Project, Belfast (19)When: 9 December, 2010
By: Albert Bridge
The Titanic Signature Project, Belfast (1
8)When: 6 December, 2010By: Albert Bridge
The Titanic Signature Project, Belfast (1
7)When: 25 November, 2010By: Albert Bridge
The Titanic Signature Project, Belfast (1
6)When: 7 November, 2010By: Albert Bridge
The Titanic Signature Project, Belfast (1
5)When: 31 October, 2010By: Albert Bridge
The Titanic Signature Project, Belfast (1
4)When: 21 October, 2010By: Albert Bridge
The Titanic Signature Project, Belfast (1
3)When: 17 October, 2010By: Albert Bridge
The Titanic Signature Project, Belfast (1
2)When: 17 October, 2010
By: Albert Bridge
"Titanic Signature Project", Belfast (11)When: 9 October, 2010By: Albert Bridge
Titanic Signature Project, Belfast (10)When: 26 September, 2010By: Albert Bridge
Titanic Signature Project, Belfast (9)When: 17 September, 2010By: Albert Bridge
Cushnahan Quay, Belfast (3)When: 10 September, 2010By: Albert Bridge
Titanic Signature Project, Belfast (8)When: 10 September, 2010
By: Albert Bridge
Abercorn Basin, Belfast (20)When: 1 September, 2010By: Albert Bridge
Titanic Signature Project, Belfast (7)When: 1 September, 2010
By: Albert Bridge
The Titanic Signature Project, Belfast (
6)When: 22 August, 2010By: Albert Bridge
The Titanic Signature Project, Belfast (
5)When: 15 August, 2010By: Albert Bridge
The Titanic Signature Project, Belfast (
4)When: 1 August, 2010By: Albert Bridge
Abercorn Basin, Belfast (19)When: 4 July, 2010By: Albert Bridge
Titanic Signature Project, Belfast (3)When: 3 July, 2010By: Albert Bridge