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2 images in cluster Dining Wing in M2208

Image clustering - assigning images labels - is an automated process, based on the image title/description. It's not totally accurate, and can sometimes assign images to odd clusters

in M2208, near Baile Ui Bheachain, taken Friday, 27 September, 2013, by Joseph Mischyshyn

M2208 : Ballyvaghan - Monk's Seafood Pub & Restaurant - Flowers at Dining Wing Window by Joseph Mischyshyn
Ballyvaghan - Monk's Seafood Pub & Restaurant - Flowers at Dining Wing Window
M2208 : Ballyvaghan - Monk's Seafood Pub & Restaurant - Dining Wing by Joseph Mischyshyn
Ballyvaghan - Monk's Seafood Pub & Restaurant - Dining Wing

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All images © Joseph Mischyshyn and licensed for reuse under this Creative Commons Licence

Other Automatic clusters in M2208

  1. Northwest side of Monk's Pub Seafood Restaurant
  2. Location is along Southwest side of R477
  3. Ballyvaghan Harbour
  4. County Clare
  5. Pub Area
  6. Entrance
  7. White Red B&B
  8. Northeast from R477
  9. Galway Bay
  10. Old Pier
  11. Bar
  12. Oceanville B&B
  13. Dining Area
  14. Sign
  15. Irish Cottages
  16. Road
  17. Plants
  18. Atlantic
  19. Happy Hooker
  20. Ballyvaughan Quay
  21. Knockvorneen M2612
  22. Day in the Burren
  23. Pub Restaurant Interior
  24. Dining Wing
  25. Fireplace
  26. Garda Car
  27. Impact on Wild Salmon and Sea Trout
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